A Loving Message to our Buddhist Friends

Hi there! Thank you for reading this message of hope and satisfaction. We know that you can struggle with working off your Karma. Don’t worry, you are not the only one. You have likely talked to your friends and they expressed the same feelings. Our hope for you is to make the most out of your time here on earth so you can gain the completion that you need. 

As you know, the belief that there are many different types of Buddah’s is not new. Many Buddhist scholars have said that Jesus was a type of a Buddha. Maybe what has been missing in your life for completion is to know more about Him?

We understand that there are many different opinions about Jesus. There are claims about who Jesus was in Christianity, Islam, Judiasm and in other faiths. Instead of focusing on what was said centuries after Jesus was on earth, we want to spare you the time by going back to the ancient records that were written before, during and directly after Jesus was here.

We get the most information from Jesus from a book called the Bible. Did you know that you could live your entire life and never actually know how we got the Bible? Do you mind if we tell you really fast? 

The Bible’s 40 authors were eyewitnesses to incredible events and teachings and wrote them down in three different languages, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, while they were on three different continents, Asia Africa and Europe, over a period of 1600 years. Remarkably, despite the widespread difference in languages, geography, and time; the writings are telling the same exact, highly detailed, story. In fact these writings give thousands, upon thousands, of opportunities to be wrong, as they list specific ancient cities, kings, countries, major events, people, and all the way down to the money they used. Yet, over and over again the Bible matches with other ancient historical writings unrelated to the Bible itself, like the Greek, Egyptian, Persian, Babalonian, Roman Empire, and Kingly records. Despite the Bible being the most widely read and criticized book in the world, nothing of importance can be found wrong with it’s understandable writings. 

Also, no other “holy” book has prophecies that come true. A prophecy is something that is predicted to come true in the future before it happens. The Bible contains prophecies of major events in history, which were recorded hundreds and sometimes thousands of years before they happened. We see correct predictions of the rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires, and over 300 prophecies that specifically talk about Jesus and that He fulfilled.

No other holy book or writings have the manuscript evidence that the Bible does. For example, the earliest fragments of manuscripts of the Quran were found 300 years after Muhammad, and the writings about what Buddha taught appeared 400 years after Buddha. With the Bible, we have fragments of manuscripts that date back to the same century Jesus lived, and complete manuscripts by the thousands soon after. Even the early Bible believers, who are said to have known the authors, quoted the Bible so much in their writings that you can assemble the entire second half of the Bible (New Testament) from their preserved writings from the 1st and 2nd Centuries.  We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bible can be trusted with what it says. 

If you compare the Bible to any other “Holy” book, nothing can touch this sharpness and precision. 

So what does the Bible say about your Karma? Well it does talk about the bad things you have done and how it does create a huge problem. It also talks about ways to get the consequences taken away, but before we tell you we want to make sure you have a better understanding of where we are coming from.

First, if you can’t tell already, what you are about to learn from the Bible is different from what you have been taught. We do not want to offend you with a different teaching, but we want you to remember this message is directly out of the Bible, and you just learned why we should pay attention to what it says. Also, we need you to know that we love you, we are sorry that this teaching is different from what you have been taught but there is good news we have to share. 

The Bible clearly teaches The Four Noble Paths and The Eightfold Paths are not going to help you. No matter how hard you try to work, there are always more bad things to work off. Even the desire to work off your Karma can give you more Karma. Isn’t it natural to desire a goal? Don’t you want to be forgiven? Why is it wrong to desire that? What if you desired that there would be a good God who loved you unconditionally? What if you desired to never cease to exist, but live forever in Heaven? Do you recognize those desires? Those are seeds of desire that God put in you to help you find Him.

How do we know there is a God?

Well, there is a miracle happening right now. As you are hearing things around you, invisible sound waves are vibrating onto your eardrum. On the other side of your eardrum, there are three little bones that line up and attach to your cochlea, which is a small snail shell looking structure that is filled with water and has thousands of hairs on it’s walls. As the water moves, these hairs act like piano keys and create electronic signals, so your brain can just begin to understand what I am saying right now. So who are we to say there is no God or that we couldn’t know God personally if there was a God, because no one knows how the hearing process can even work, starting just with the invisible sound waves themselves. 

If we didn’t have the Bible, it would be easier to conclude that there isn’t a God we can know personally. But the Bible says that there is a God who loves you and who can work off all the bad things you have ever done, for you.

Yes, the most trustworthy book of all time, the Bible, teaches the bad things you’ve done, like telling a single lie, separate you from God because He is perfect; this means you can’t go to Heaven where God is and live forever with Him. But God loves you so much that He wants to be in a personal relationship with YOU, so you CAN go to Heaven.  So do you know what God did for you because He loves you so much? God came as Jesus to live a perfect life for you, so He could take all of your punishment, He then died in your place, and He rose again from the dead, so you can have forgiveness. Ok, don't miss this! The Bible says if you BELIEVE God did this for you then you will receive forgiveness and go to Heaven. Yep, that's it. Here is one of many verses in the Bible that say that. Romans 4:5, "But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners."

That’s it. It seems so easy doesn’t it? But God is your Heavenly Father, He is the one that created you from your head to your toes. He loves you so much, He knows how many hairs are on your head. You have so much value and worth to God that if you were the only person alive, Jesus would come and die just for you. He loves you the way you love your son, or the way you love your daughter. Unconditionally. He also gives gifts, like a good father would. He actually gave you the best gift you could ever have, that is forgiveness from all the bad things you have ever done, just by believing He did this for you. 

Another verse in the Bible in, 2 Corinthians 6:2 says,  "I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." So will you believe that God did the work for you to go to Heaven right now?

That is wonderful. 

Will you say this prayer out loud? 

“Dear God,

I know that I have done many bad things. Thank you for coming as Jesus and living a perfect life for me. I believe Jesus died for me, and rose again, so I can have forgiveness and go to Heaven. Thank you for this special relationship with you. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Congratulations! We are so excited for you! You belong to the family of God and the Bible says the angels are rejoicing in Heaven with Jesus because of what you just did.

We would really love for you to find a great church. There is a church locator on TrueLife.org that can help find a church.

We would like you to read the book of John in the Bible. There is a video on TrueLife.org called, “How Do I Live for Jesus Christ?” You can go watch that now. 

So we want to ask you your first question as a Christian:

Who is going to be the first person that you tell about Jesus?”